
Showing posts from December, 2019
If I was crazy it would make things so much easier and clearer.  I'm not and I have to live with knowing what I know and what I've heard let lone SEEN. There is only so much the human brain can retain and remain interdependent and alive.  Mr Fitz.  /glofclap  You won. Make sure you remember my family. they will remember you.
Mrs Hubbs. I love you yet I'll NEVER be BE able to show you. You'll be the love LOVE of my life I'll never get to experience. I love you 143 indefinably. It would be my pride and honor if she wants me as a father. Gnight my love
"This song is a poem to myself, it helps me to live." One of 30 most underrated songs EVER. Music is the key to our soul ever since we were Caveman. If you've seen what I have, heard what I have experienced what I have.. I've kept going I'll bet the last years of my life that you wouldn't/couldn't mentally be capable to handle it.   "CAPS LOCK ON" THE SHIT I'VE DONE I DON'T REGRET NOR DISAVOW. USA All the Way. Haven't either of you psychopaths realized my babies are the ONLY thing that matters? I'm going to have MILLIONS and I'll burn ever single dollar to not just protect but get them back. You both broke me but your mistake was thinking I wouldn't recover. I'll create WW3 and smile knowing I'm going to get my babies back. I had power and influence.  Now, having money. I'll spend every fucking dime GLADLY knowing my kin is home. "The bill is always due." If it ends up with me only seeing them for a m
Hey Nick.  After I fucked your sister and made her cum fucking buckets on my bed (literally had to throw away my mattress because she's a squinter ( trust me she came fucking buckets.)  and after I beat the fuck out of you even using and holding a baseball bat I made out with your mother. I made out with your mom and fucked your sister six ways from Sunday. :) How does them apples taste BITCH?  I made out with your mother AND sister  ROFL  #youmybitch .  Your sister was better, just because she gushed. :) Your mom knows how to use her tongue :)
My babies, my loves.   I'm alreadby dead.  I'm sorry I didn't protect you . I'm sorry I didn't protect you. You two are the ONLY FUCKING that matters to me. Your're my babies.  My love. My heart I died when I came back from China. I don't want a fucking thing from anyone. I did it all on my own.  I miss you   Robert and Abbi.  I failed you. I miss you infinity. I should have never listened to that fucking quack.  My love, you're not dead.   I made a mistake.   I WILL GO BACK TO YIWU AND BRING YOU BACK HOME MY LOVE.
If I could change the world I'd do a lot of things differently. First of all. Every Heroin dealer and child molester dies immediately. Secondly. We will come together as a nation before a Civil War breaks out and we don't need that. FUCK racism. If you're a bigot you're a worthless cunt.  Peace and love.  That's the only thing that matters.  The Beatles changed the world.  Why can't we acknowledge the significant importance they made for planet Earth? We are all human.  White, black, yellow or whatever other shade you want to hate. If you're a racist I'll fucking destroy you. We are one, we are together. Color doesn't matter. We're all FUCKED.  Fuck this side of the planet.
What am I going to do next?  Whittle away and die. I have no more fight in me. The things I've done for the betterment of mankind and sacrificing my children I'm already a dead man walking.'re amazing.  You are so fucking smart and can see things others can't even imagine.  Abbi.....I don't know what to say to you.  I failed to protect you.   That FUCK RAPED you. I wasn't able to protect you.  I know you're afraid of Erin, Grandma and everyone else that told you you're wrong. STAND UP SUPERGIRL.  If I'm dead I PROMISE you my soul will come back and protect you.  YOU need to speak up, tell the world what they did to you. Robert and you will never understand how much you mean to me. I'm sorry if I'm not there in the future. I did my best "at the time" but now.........I'm dead. I'm sorry I failed you both. My only job was to protect you and I failed BOTH of you.   Just know. You two are the only thing I've e
Oh you big bad man you.  You're a NYS Trooper.  That might mean something if I didn't have the US Marshals AND NATIONAL SECURITY on MY side. You try to play Dad to my daughter you're going to regret it.  If I'm saying this openly on the internet where it will live forever you think I care if you call your captain? f I You're about to marry a whore.  Honestly. she can't help it. She's a physcopath that can't stand being with one person. Beat her I could give two fucks.  Touch my daughter EVER and they will NEVER find your corpse y If I'm saying this on the internet where it will live forever does it really seem like I'm worried about your status as a Trooper?  i'll tell you what, contact the US Marshals and National Security and see if they'll help you. Not a fucking chance. You have no idea who I am or what I've done for USA. Come at me BITCH I fucking dare you.  You already tried and lost.  Want to loose again? If you ever touch m
What's the best part of being one of the smartest people on the planet.....not a FUCKING THING.  It's a curse.
Why don't I care anymore? What do I have to lose? I've already lost everything. I have a house, a car, credit and money in the bank.  I have $35,000 at least from my house, $80.000 in settlement and I don't fucking care. Money.  how we fight to maintain some monetary savings and it all means nothing.  He who dies with the most toys still dies. I went after everyone. Every MOTHERFUCKER that refused to help save my daughter.  The only outcome was losing my son.  I will NEVER recover from giving him up.  Regardless if he understands it or not I fought the hardest I've ever have just to be apart of his life.  The joke is before he turned 3 I get the phone call "I can't handle him anymore you need to take him." My FIRST reply is "when." Then, on his 13th birthday "welcome to being a teenager" he gets removed from the ONLY home he's ever known. That's the day I truly died. I thought I died when I buried myself with my daug
"A woman can make a man great or break a great man."    -Kiso What's the quickest way to completely destroy a man......take away the only thing he cares about. I lost my kids, I'll never recover nor do I give a flying fuck to attempt to. I'm sorry Robert, I'm sorry Abbi. I failed you both.