
Showing posts from October, 2018

My Section 8 Neighbor (military discharge)

Ever since the first week of buying my house back in 2012 this guy was a problem. He constantly complained about my two pine trees that border our properties  Every time I was outside I was at least "informed" that he didn't like the cones/needles that fall.  All while himself having a giant pine tree that completely destroys the other side of his yard's driveway, cars, everything.  Their entire yard is tattoo'd with debris from HIS tree, but that never seemed to concern him even after pointing it out on the 50th time it was brought to my attention. When I first bought the house a police officer was remodeling the Western house to flip and decided to just live there for awhile so we became pretty good friends and was also witness to this guy constantly harassing me about the trees. It got to the point that I had enough, and I'm proud that I had enough self control for as long as I did. Well after that, this guy was on a mission from 'Nam to eradicate...

Death and Rebirth

My sons therapist I also see for advice and direction how to help him told me "You have to treat the loss of your daughter as though she died until she comes home." It wasn't until the 3rd or 4th day in China, in Yiwu did I accept this because I found a place of immense beauty that was some sort of shrine or self-reflection spot.  It had a lot of greenery, flowers, a pond that's filled with Koi and a bridge that travels over it to admire them. This is where I decided to say goodbye to Abbi. I sat for a good while struggling to walk away from this spot knowing I've left half of my still functional heart and soul here at a place I'll most likely never find again even with infinite time and resources. I couldn't leave, wouldn't leave until I decided that I was going to join my love, my Supergirl and that's when Christopher died and Kiso was born. On a side note I found a fitting dumpster to lay to rest M & N and it took every ounce of m...

John Denver + Fallout 76 = A Perfect Circle

My second night in Shanghai in Pudong I spent that entire evening (and the rest of my visit) with Dave and Shirley.  Dave gave me a "blanket" of a fatherly figure I never experienced before.  He had this it duty, to take care of me and everything regarding me just as he's doing with his very quiet son. At the same time I had Shirley, "Miss Tiger Mom," constantly slowing her pace to make sure I'm keeping up and not stranded or left behind.   Reassuring me that "if" we're separated what to do for each "hub" of the massive connecting subway system or when we're walking the endless miles to burn off the meal she's always dropping back from leader to keep pace with me, pushing me to keep going. I feel no choice but to continue ignoring the overwhelming urge to throw myself in front of one of the million cars going back and forth every hour because I'm just so fucking exhausted and don't know how mu...