BEHIND my 2nd day in China ( I still cannot revisit that day apparently)

Originally, I had written about this day in chronological order after my 1st post in China.  But I ended up deleting it after only a couple of days.  I felt it was so emotionally moving to me that not only I failed to describe what I felt but also that I didn't have a right to attempt to explain it.

This is my 2nd attempt to do just that.

When I woke up the following day after arriving in China, Pudong New Providence it was early.  Before 6:20 AM I've already left my room, and am sitting outside the hotel (which is MASSIVE) smoking a cigarette trying to decide what my actual plan is since I've only came here because I felt I was suppose to.

I've bought items from China for over 3 years.  I've became aware of their market, "how things work" and the chain of business that exists to get the best prices.

If you're curious:

"Stocks@Yiwu" > Yiwu Trade Market > Alibaba > Taobao > Aliexpress > Walmart

THAT is the "food chain" of retail.  Pay me later or please "Pay it Forward" for that insight.

I didn't know why I was taking the MAJOR risk of losing everything to go here. Seriously, as calculated as I am, risked EVERYTHING is not anything remotely normal to who I am.

Didn't pay my mortgage for 2 months, refinanced my "cozy" Kia loan (0% interest rate for 66 months because my credit rocks) for a scheme with Onemain Financial that paid me $3500 because of equity but resulted in a 24.99% interest refinance rate. Increase of over $100.00 a month in car payment and a complete rip off by any standards (thankfully is was refinanced once AGAIN at a 12% interest rate). #flex for getting one over on a loan-shark business!

I was at the point that I did NOT care, about much if anything it seemed...  The relationship between my son and I was nothing.  I almost grew to the point to despise him, and him me and I didn't understand why or how this could happen.  My best friend to almost my enemy confused me how it could have ever gotten this bad.  I learned (after my early return from China) that his mother had been "coming after me" since day 1 and NEVER, EVER gave up.

The ONLY thing Nadine told me that was the most important of any of her advice which was the one thing I failed to really acknowledge and that was "Thomasina was never ever going to be my friend no matter how hard I tried."

What I've realized in undoubtable, irrefutable proof is that my sons mother was never going to stop looking for an opportunity to ruin me even though in all factual truth, she has NO reason for this dedication. Truth.

I "know why" she's this way. I've tried to explain it to her but someone who's unable to hear you cannot listen.  We are the product of what we're taught, learn or are shown. My son FULLY understands this and is the only reason he doesn't completely hate her.  My example of  "a blind person that's never seen a single glimpse of light cannot ever understand what it's like to see regardless of how well someone is able to describe sight" made him understand it's NOT his fault.

Honestly, it's NOT her fault either (but it really is.....), but her actions outside of that understanding I hold her completely accountable for what she's done and apparently continues to do. Malicious, evil and just straight fucking morally wrong really?

When I came back from China I learned of the extent that Thomasina went to to ONCE again, for the 2nd time, try to completely ruin my world ONLY because she's a....selfish, self centered, lacking empathy, emotion, compassion or consideration piece of shit that only cares about herself and is someone that was NEVER meant to be a parent to a child.  Shit, I'm sorry I failed to mention CUNT.

I was pleasantly joyful knowing that despite my resistance to negatively affect my Karma to do so that I finally had to act, and resulted in RUINING that STRIPPERS entire "5-Year Plan" oh, and her life. Yeah....finally Mr Waters I'm happy to say you were wrong, and I know the happiness you'd feel that I had the opportunity to say that to you would mean.....<3

Here's how it ALL went down since now, I don't give a FUCK, who knows what....

This stripper, after she disappeared being 4 months pregnant with Robert she up and disappeared BECAUSE I didn't give her money I earned from a "drug thing."  Statute of limitations expired so I don't give a FUCK!

So I didn't have a CLUE where she went, or how to contact her.  Money is spent to hire a PI to locate her.  A week later we're informed that she's living in Dansville, NY.  Which is an hour South of Rochester, 2 Hours from Syracuse.

She makes it IMPOSSIBLE to see my son, using my MS, "1st time father" and because it's an incestual hobokin back-asswards village "fathers have no rights."  She PUNISHES me to have ANY visitations with him but I don't falter. I make that drive almost EVERY SINGLE FUCKING WEEK to see my son for the short time I could.

We go to court multiple times because I will never surrender, never give in for my child(ren) and finally she gets EXACTLY what she's been begging the court for and I ALSO consider it fair for the added time I can spend with my son every single week.

3 months AFTER that she's not happy. I've moved in with my (current) girlfriend Lynn and I get the phone call "I can't do it anymore, you need to take him." Without hesitation I say when?

Boys and girls...THIS is why you don't fuck a stipper, they ALWAYS have "that" mentality of getting what they want, at all cost.

Oh, I'm sorry I haven't even gotten to her recent Felony Charges....

I have ALWAYS tried to be her friend, despite I deep down can't stand the sight of her or her arrogance and entitlement belief.  I confess to her everything that has happened with Abbi and what she's been through, the pain, abuse and torture and how I'm not willing to "play that game."

What does this STRIPPER DO??

She takes EVERYTHING I've said like it's the fucking NFL playbook on "what I am NOT willing to do against my children" and starts to "groom" my son to hate me.  No, seriously, this fucking CUNT really did do ALL of this, FACT.

I asked her (because I THOUGHT she was my "friend") to watch over my house while I left for China which she said OKAY like a "friend" should.  What I've learned now, to this date....

I informed her in August I "had to leave for China."  Because she works at a law firm with intentions of becoming a lawyer with them only needing to complete her partial degree from Alfred State to become a real lawyer, she made her 2nd move...

On September 7th she filed an emergency order for custody and to remove HER paying ME child support.  I left on the 12th.  The court date(s) were expedited for when I was STILL in China trying to completely secure custody of my...MY son while I was out of the country and unable to even have a voice.

Oh, did I mention she FORGED my "Last Will and Testament," signing in HER style for my name as mine and HER forging the Notary on the document? Want to see the scans as evidence, just ask...


IF, IF I didn't return home WHEN I did I'd have lost MY son.... and MY daughter forever. 

It cost me every cent I have but I would do it again given a million lifetimes.

My children are now my ONLY reason for existence.


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