Day 2: Pudong New District, Shanghai

Day 2: Pudong New District, Shanghai 

After about a half hour I'm already bored and curious so I gather my backpack filled with all my shit at the time was valuable enough to keep on me.

I go outside and it's warm, like really warm.  The sun's over the horizon not even out long enough to heat the air or so I thought not possible to happen so quickly.  As I'm sitting outside sitting on the decoration wall of the hotel.  By the way...this hotel was HUGE and beautiful not just because it was but in contrast to the rest of the area that was on the verge of being labeled a shit hole.  Or so I thought because again my understanding how the country "works" I didn't understand what was really going on.

Now....something for the last year especially has been itching at my shoulder to go to China.  I don't know what started it, where I was when I realized it or any emotion tied to any of it.  Just a compulsion to GO TO CHINA.

How China Works to Enter:
You want to visit China as a tourist they will grant you a 10 year tourist type (L) Visa within days.  They want the revenue, can you blame em? 

But, if you want to legally work in China you have to be sponsored by a business that's going to hire you and you sign a XXX contract to work for the company and you have to be approved for a type (Z) Visa. There's like 10 or so different types depending on your reason for coming to China. matters what type of Visa you have but in all reality it means shit. If you want to be in China you'll be in China for as long as you want to.

On a side note a few interesting facts:
Unlike America where you have parents paying Americans to wed their children for green-card status and/or women blatantly on websites looking to "trade services" to live in America in China if you marry a Chinese National you are NEVER allowed to be legally working for anyone forever.

The only possible way China would ever consider to grant citizenship status to a foreigner is if they completely denounce their citizenship of their existing country first.


Everyone drives scooters or bikes in China, especially the area's that are less developed that the major cities and pretty much every city is now a major city. Wait until the few videos I was able to shoot while on the high speed monorail.

I'm watching a lot of children being driven to behind the hotel. Behind the hotel is probably 30 square miles of super condensed but actually nice (made of concrete and beautiful little bridges everywhere.
My 1st idea for my "calling to China" was to teach either English or American Football. My first research into Americans working in China returned English teacher as a VERY lucrative job even with the littlest of experience (an ONLINE COURSE) that offer the STARTING benefits.

They pay for airfare to come there to see it to make your decision and then pay again for you to come and work (savings of $700-$1200) off the bat even if you don't take the contract.
$2000.00 USD a month in salary
Housing allowance that you could stay in a 4 star hotel and still have enough leftover to pay for half a months food costs.
Medical Insurance that's better than Medicare / Medicaid.
Each month you're given a credit towards airfare of your choosing up to a maximum of $1200.00.
If you outperform their expectations there is a bonus that ranges from $5000-$15000.

That's for any idiot that can complete a 16 hour online course that you learn TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language). If you complete the 160 hour course there are positions that offer $25000.00 a month salary with better benefits.

So I watch these kids riding on their parents scooters.  NO ONES wearing helmets and the children 1,2,3 and I've seen 6 all standing on the bike while riding at 20-30 miles an hour, weaving in and out of lanes, not once checking mirrors or over their shoulder.

I didn't see/hear ONE FUCKING AMBULANCE, witness an accident or see anyone get hurt.  FUCKING AMAZING. But I decide to follow them as they zoom by to disappear into the maze of roads that were behind the hotel.

As soon as I walked behind the hotel I first realized the extent of the living conditions/way of life of this city.  How I didn't get lost is a mystery, seriously. If it wasn't for the people driving in these narrow paths of a city made of concrete I'd have walked into 3 dozen homes.

I zig-zag my way through this area and every 5-10 minutes I've walked I'm astonished as to it seemingly being endless. Eventually I hear singing. I assume it's the school I've been searching for and walk towards it.  I peak inside and I see a church.  A fucking church.  There's a mural of Jesus Christ to the left of a giant red powered cross that centers the back of the wall.  Inside is maybe a dozen older people sitting at pews singing along to a woman at a podium.

I finish my cigarette and continue walking. I walk for maybe another 20 minutes and I start to get uncomfortable. I'm in a area of a lot of older Chinese people who still that that "see something, say something" Chinese law back when if you saw someone different you told the authorities.

It felt like I was the first American most of these people have ever seen and I constantly had dirty looks and head-turns of my presence. It got to the point where I was so deep and more and more older people were paying attention to me I decided I should probably try to find my way back.


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