Dedicated to the folks at M.R. - C.A.C, U.C.A.R.E, D.K, W.C. and anyone else who's literally at fault and responsible for failing to conduct any respectable effort into investigating an allegation of such nature and your shameful...DISGRACEFUL efforts in to deny to your establishments and even deny to yourself of the guilt and shame you've been able to STILL morally justify to yourself that "everything was with good intentions.

So let's see...

It has been exactly 231 days since as I've only just recently been informed that a conspiracy of efforts were taken to blame ME, that I was doing something to my daughter....

I had a very brief thought that perhaps that's what womb donor would do if/when she started to lose control of the situation but I didn't realize the time/effort that's been placed into trying to find something, ANYTHING against me instead of taking notice of any of my accusations, or at least the very little I've been able to tell someone or someone has allowed me TO tell them.

So let me get back to the days.  It has been 231 days since efforts were taken to see if I was molesting my daughter and 231 days since one person listened to something I wanted to say let alone even thought about ANYTHING I've said and now that this what I have to think was a massive effort into monitoring every god damn thing I do since because there is so much desire for me "to pay" for something I MUST have done to someone involved that has allowed everyone to just completely discredit me as I'm some piece of garbage with some master plan I'm trying to achieve.

You've watched everything I say and do, does anything I've done even remotely HINT that I am doing anything other than doing the right thing and am NOT whoever you've been conned into believing I am because of her.  I couldn't escape the memory of when my son, daughter and I arrived at M.R. and walking in I'm greeted with faces of disgust and what appears that some "panic button" was pressed because out of a backroom two persons equipped with firearms had their hands placed on the butts of their guns like I was going to storm the place.  It STILL bothers the FUCK out of me knowing that it's because she convinced them I'm someone I'm not without even knowing who the hell I am and are THAT fucking insanely effective can you be in manipulating someone/people into being THAT willing to forgo any humanity and decide that they're convinced they "know" who I am....

I only realized that she ALSO told you that she had a current order of protection against me (it was long expired and TOTAL BULLSHIT that's came out against her. Which if by NOW you all don't realize this was what Judge Judy ALWAYS calls mother's who use/game the system in order to secure custody situation. Like you HAVE to see it now, especially now that I've said it and you can picture how true it is BECAUSE of the facts/evidence/medical records that prove she's EXACTLY the person I've been saying she is and that I've done everything for my daughter, including not molesting her that you'd be aware of if ANY of you would have allowed me the ability to tell you that there's even a medical consent form signed to access whatever is transpiring at my daughter's play therapist.

This play therapist that specifically does not know anything that's happened with my daughter other than "something happened" this woman does not at all direct the play therapy and allows my daughter to be in complete control of the entire session (I think she even said that she really doesn't speak unless only spoken to).  This woman is employed at an establishment almost as widespread recognition as M.R. and I wouldn't be surprised if the two of you already aren't working together in some active partnership like the other establishments within your walls.

Not only all of that but I don't know almost anything ABOUT their sessions. I've spoken to her only twice on the phone which almost the entire time was advice I was asking for and she's only told me ONE thing and that specifically was "my daughter said something about getting naked."  That's when I asked her to only tell me if/when something happens that she feels she's morally obligated to make a report and I don't believe I've had the next scheduled tri sessioned 20 minute phone call with her.  Oh wait, I DID tell her when my daughter's....womb-donor was informed that my daughter was seeing a play therapist.

It wasn't until I read her note to the court which I really can't remember MUCH did I realize the extent of what's happened in their sessions.  I was ALSO informed of the active investigation against me with additional testing and I only had about 1 minute to read both before I had to leave.  But I really hope someone who cares and can help has read it and realizes WHERE a FUCKING INVESTIGATION should be pointed towards.

Let's see, the male that's molesting my daughter is selling drugs that he delivers all night long that owns illegally modded assault rifles in NYS including several other guns including an AK-47 I'm not convinced was "grandfathered" in NY by ANY previous owners. The person who's literally instructing my daughter, teaching her a set of actions to do to me and it wasn't until this last visit did I learn that she was told to get my milk and she'll get a reward from him and mommy. Mommy has also instructed my daughter to start to try things with my 11 year old son "like they do at home."

My son has been my motherfucking lifeline. WHEN he's here, for some reason, my daughter WOULD NOT even try anything.  Which almost always was the same set of actions of wanting to take off her clothes and get on top of me. I've got her to be OK with showing me what she's suppose to do with her clothes on. Every time I'd tell her I can't see it that way she'd shut down and it upset her so enough trial and error and fake, gut wrenching fake smiles I managed to convince her it was OK to show me what she's suppose to do with her clothes on.

I keep waiting...for come calling asking for further information.  Even now, after the proofs out there despite the ridiculous efforts that were placed trying to fuck my whole world up in every conceivable way it's possible in today's technologically advanced world you can and I've dealt with that over these last few months, I've been attacked from every possible angle and I'm sure there's more I'm not even able to comprehend but seriously, isn't enough enough? Even now, SEEING and HAVING TO KNOW BY NOW the person I ACTUALLY AM? FUCK, I am SO FAR FROM PERFECT I'm galaxies away in retrospect.

Even now, after all you've put me through, looked into, watches, listened, saw isn't THAT enough to STOP and do the right thing? Or is the investment so great I have "to pay" for whatever I've done? I'm some loser opinionated asshat that relies on the interactions in teaching his children to be his muse for existence. Or the records, mostly medical I think, that show not only what I've accomplished FOR my daughter but the active efforts taken by womb donor to sabotage my efforts.

It's just dawning on me RIGHT NOW. Because she's getting BEAT UP in court and can't lie and manipulate herself out of what she's done that's been proven in court she's going to play this card again. Holy shit.  That's it isn't it. Can't you see, you HAVE to be kidding me.

How crazy do you think I am to bring my daughter to someone that would prove if I was molesting my daughter, oh my fucking god what is wrong with you people. What the FUCK! The more I think about it and realize shit the EVEN MORE FUCKED UP it gets.

gnight 2nd but 1st entry. I think I like this approach to staying sane.


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